
Publicador de Conteúdo

Ocorreu um erro ao processar o template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> renderer.getArticle  [in template "20099#20135#93540" at line 12, column 24]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: journalArticle = renderer.getArticle()  [in template "20099#20135#93540" in macro "asset_entries_include" at line 12, column 7]
	- Reached through: #assign-container  [in template "20099#20135#93540" in macro "asset_entries_include" at line 4, column 5]
	- Reached through: @asset_entries_include assetEntryCont...  [in template "20099#20135#93540" at line 29, column 834]
1<div class="mf-noticias"> 
3  <#macro asset_entries_include assetEntryContext> 
4    <#assign 
6      <#--  Needed in order to get the img url  --> 
7      dlAppService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService") 
8      dlUtil       = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.util.DLUtil") 
10      <#--  Get access to the journal article context and content  --> 
11      renderer       = assetEntryContext.getAssetRenderer() 
12      journalArticle = renderer.getArticle() 
13      document       = 
14      rootElement    = document.getRootElement() 
16      <#--  Get custom web content structure fields  --> 
17      xPathSelectorImage = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='imagemNoticia']") 
18      imageSrc           = xPathSelectorImage.selectSingleNode(rootElement) 
20      <#--  Needed in order to get the img url field of a custom structure associated to a journal article --> 
21      jsonData    =  jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(imageSrc.getStringValue()) 
22      fileEntryId =  getterUtil.getInteger(jsonData.get('fileEntryId')) 
24       <#--  Get entry categories list--> 
25      entryCategories = assetEntryContext.getCategories() 
27      <#--  Get Vocabulary Service--> 
28      assetVocabularyService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") 
29    /> <#-- Create urlImage --> <#if fileEntryId?? && fileEntryId!=0> <#assign fileEntry = dlAppService.getFileEntry(fileEntryId) urlImage = dlUtil.getDownloadURL(fileEntry, fileEntry.getFileVersion(), themeDisplay, null) /> <#else> <#assign urlImage = "#"> </#if> <#-- To get the context of viewUrl in order to open on configured content display page --> <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, assetEntryContext) /> <#if assetLinkBehavior != "showFullContent"> <#assign viewURL = renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, viewURL) /> </#if> </#macro> <h1 class="bottom-gap"> Notícias</h1> <hr> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="mf-noticias__item mf-noticias__item--bigger"> <div class="row"> <#if entries?has_content> <#list entries as curEntry> <@asset_entries_include assetEntryContext=curEntry /> <div class="col-md-4"> <span class="mf-noticias__category"> <#list entryCategories as category> 
30                        <#assign vocabulary = assetVocabularyService.getVocabulary(category.vocabularyId) /> 
32                        <#if vocabulary.getTitle(locale) == "Categorias da Página de Início" > 
33                            ${category.getTitle(locale)} 
34                        </#if> 
35                    </#list> </span> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="mf-noticias__thumbnail"> <a href="${viewURL}"> <#if imageSrc?? && imageSrc!=""> <picture class="mf-noticias__picture mf-noticias__big-picture"> <img class="mf-noticias__image" src="${urlImage}" alt=""> </picture> </#if> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <a href="${viewURL}" class="mf-link mf-color--gold"> <p class="mf-noticias__text mf-noticias__text--normal mf-noticias__destaque-title"> ${curEntry.getTitle(locale)} </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </#list> </#if> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> 

Publicador de Conteúdo

Ocorreu um erro ao processar o template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> renderer.getArticle  [in template "20099#20135#93544" at line 12, column 24]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: journalArticle = renderer.getArticle()  [in template "20099#20135#93544" in macro "asset_entries_include" at line 12, column 7]
	- Reached through: #assign-container  [in template "20099#20135#93544" in macro "asset_entries_include" at line 4, column 5]
	- Reached through: @asset_entries_include assetEntryCont...  [in template "20099#20135#93544" at line 34, column 808]
1<div class="mf-noticias"> 
3  <#macro asset_entries_include assetEntryContext> 
4    <#assign 
6      <#--  Needed in order to get the img url  --> 
7      dlAppService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService") 
8      dlUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.util.DLUtil") 
10      <#--  Get access to the journal article context and content  --> 
11      renderer = assetEntryContext.getAssetRenderer() 
12      journalArticle = renderer.getArticle() 
13      document = 
14      rootElement = document.getRootElement() 
16      <#--  Get custom web content structure fields  --> 
17      xPathSelectorImage = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@name='imagemNoticia']") 
18      imageSrc = xPathSelectorImage.selectSingleNode(rootElement) 
20      <#--  Needed in order to get the img url field of a custom structure associated to a journal article --> 
21      jsonData =  jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(imageSrc.getStringValue()) 
22      fileEntryId =  getterUtil.getInteger(jsonData.get('fileEntryId')) 
24      <#--  Get entry categories list--> 
25      entryCategories = assetEntryContext.getCategories() 
27      <#--  Get Vocabulary Service--> 
28      assetVocabularyService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") 
30    />  
34    <#-- Create urlImage --> <#if fileEntryId?? && fileEntryId!=0> <#assign fileEntry = dlAppService.getFileEntry(fileEntryId) urlImage = dlUtil.getDownloadURL(fileEntry, fileEntry.getFileVersion(), themeDisplay, null) /> <#else> <#assign urlImage = "#"> </#if> <#-- To get the context of viewUrl in order to open on configured content display page --> <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, assetEntryContext) /> <#if assetLinkBehavior != "showFullContent"> <#assign viewURL = renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, viewURL) /> </#if> </#macro> <!-- <h1 class="bottom-gap">Notícias</h1><hr><br>--> <#if entries?has_content> <div class="mf-noticias__item mf-noticias__item--list bottom-gap"> <div class="row"> <#list entries as curEntry> <@asset_entries_include assetEntryContext=curEntry /> <div class="col-md-6" style="margin-bottom:1%;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="mf-noticias__thumbnail"> <a href="${viewURL}" class="mf-link mf-color--gold"> <#if imageSrc?? && imageSrc!=""> <picture class="mf-noticias__picture"> <img class="mf-noticias__image" src="${urlImage}" alt=""> </picture> </#if> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <span class="mf-noticias__category"> <#list entryCategories as category> 
35                        <#assign vocabulary = assetVocabularyService.getVocabulary(category.vocabularyId) /> 
37                        <#if vocabulary.getTitle(locale) == "Categorias da Página de Início" > 
38                            ${category.getTitle(locale)} 
39                        </#if> 
40                    </#list></span> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <a href="${viewURL}" class="mf-link mf-color--gold"> <p class="mf-noticias__text mf-noticias__text--normal"> ${curEntry.getTitle(locale)} </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </#list> </div></div> </#if> </div>